Overvision The Big Apple (New York, 2010) Beehave II (Milano, 2015) Beehave I (Milano, 2015) The Seed Cathedral V (Shanghai 2010) The Seed Cathedral IV (Shanghai 2010) The Seed Cathedral III (Shanghai 2010) The Seed Cathedral I (Shanghai 2010) The Seed Cathedral II (Shanghai 2010) The Seed Cathedral_diptych (Shanghai 2010) IMA (Paris, 2015) Tenet_Stolckholm, 2020 Stockholm, 2020 Horizon II (Paris, 2015) Horizon_dyptich (Paris, 2015) Toledo Station (Naples, 2012) La memoria dell’acqua (Memory of water) (2007) The rear window (2007) Ariel (Venice, 2013) Blind light I (London 2007) Blind light II (London 2007) Blind light III (London 2007) Factory of the Sun (Venice 2015) Venice, 2013 Saragoza, 2009 Basel, Robert Irwin (Basel 2015) Milano, 2009 Milano, 2009 New York, 2010 Milano, 2009