The Big Apple (New York, 2010)Beehave II (Milano, 2015)Beehave I (Milano, 2015)The Seed Cathedral V (Shanghai 2010)The Seed Cathedral IV (Shanghai 2010)The Seed Cathedral III (Shanghai 2010)The Seed Cathedral I (Shanghai 2010)The Seed Cathedral II (Shanghai 2010)The Seed Cathedral_diptych (Shanghai 2010)IMA (Paris, 2015)Tenet_Stolckholm, 2020Stockholm, 2020Horizon II (Paris, 2015)Horizon_dyptich (Paris, 2015)Toledo Station (Naples, 2012)La memoria dell’acqua (Memory of water) (2007)The rear window (2007)Ariel (Venice, 2013)Blind light I (London 2007)Blind light II (London 2007)Blind light III (London 2007)Factory of the Sun (Venice 2015)Venice, 2013Saragoza, 2009Basel, Robert Irwin (Basel 2015)Milano, 2009Milano, 2009New York, 2010Milano, 2009